Sires & Dams

Ideal Dale Kosmo - Father

Ideal Dale Kosmo hales from the renowned Ideal Dale Kennel in Serbia and was bred by Goran Karanovic & Biljana Bjekic. Kosmo was born 4/12/2017 and was sired by Grand Champion Joval It’s My Time and his dam Is Ideal Dale Feel Good (Fila). Kosmo has several litter mates who have gone on to become champions and Kosmo has recently begun his show experience and has great bloodlines with Joval, Ideal Dale, Tymberwyck and Stirling. Kosmo came to Pilot’s Acres from Darren’s Airedales in Alabama last fall and has been training for the show ring and getting his coat in tip top condition.Kosmo has a great personality and loves his people and romps with Keeper (Piper) and Abbey. Weighing in at just 51 pounds, Kosmo is a fine example of the breed with a gorgeous coat, great expressive eyes, perfect ear and tail sets along with a body in perfect tone; he loves to strut his stuff both in and out of the ring.

Keeper (Piper) - Mother

Keeper Is just that, a “Keeper”. We bred and whelped Piper and she was chosen from the litter of 13 as our “Keeper” puppy. Piper was sired by Prince and Pilot is her mom. Piper is keeping the legacy alive with her first litter sired by Kosmo. Piper is just over standard size at 55 pounds and has a great hunt drive, she will watch a rabbit hole for literally days and has the same determination with learning and tricks. Piper and Kosmo compliment each other well and have produced some amazing pups, Piper is extremely brave and will never back down from anything! She was subjected to lots of sensitivity training from very early on as we do everything possible to instill confidence in our pups while they are here, she is super loving, affectionate and sweet and loves to sit with her head in your lap! We are very excited to watch this litter thrive and grow into beautiful AKC standard size which is in perfect alignment with the goals of Pilot’s Acres.

Abbey - Mother

Abbey is our resident clown! She is gorgeous with a stunning coat! She sports a white chest blaze that has been passed on to a few of her pups and with proper care she has gorgeous color and texture; she is a real show-stopper! She is silly, loves to tease and to try and get her entire body onto your lap. She is about 60 pounds and has a great athletic build and LOVES toys! Abbey is the leader of our pack and keeps everyone in line; her greatest desire is to catch a crow flying overhead! If Abbey could only fly…..


Prince - Father

Pilot - Mother

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